Are You in Retrograde?
News Flash: Everything runs in a cycle. Your life, your business, the Sun and Moon, and Mercury.
In case you didn’t know, Mercury entered retrograde in early April, which is a window of time blamed for hard decisions, bad circumstances, misbehaving electronics and funky moods.
Here’s a gentle reminder – everything has a cycle, especially you.
Whether you are affected by Mercury is for you to determine. Know that you will experience ups and downs, without Mercury, and those variations in mood will create a ripple effect that impacts your business.
Recently I have been struggling to keep my mind focused on doing the next right thing. I have been opting for Plan B far too often, and the progress towards my goals has taken the hit. Even though it is easy for me to recognize the immediate payoff in putting in the hard work of writing articles, strategic planning, and reaching new audiences – it has been hard to put in the work. I filled the last month with, “I’ll do it tomorrow” promises, while I bathed in the instant pleasure of removing all mental hurdles associated with starting a new task.
Personally, I welcomed every distraction, and it appeared that I was always busy with really important things – you know, like watching documentaries, which then led to watching regular TV shows and then spending time watching shows I have seen a million times. All the while, I promised myself that “tomorrow” would be the day everything would change.
Somehow tomorrow never seemed to arrive. Until now. Right this moment is the new tomorrow.
With that, I provide you with my most humble advice. If you happen to be in a similar position, don’t beat yourself up – it won’t help. Rather, be kind to yourself and learn from each cycle you experience. Track what actions help you bounce back faster. For me, I need to find different inputs, shifting from electronic to personal connections and being outside in the world. I will be honest, I love to spend a day inside watching movies and rolling in darkness, but the reality is that interacting with others is the best action to reduce the struggle, especially when I am having a moment filled with emotional struggles.
So, I wish Mercury well, as it progresses through retrograde because this time my personal retrograde was completed before Mercury even had a chance. It’s time to continue to move forward with intention.
So, let’s get moving on the #TheNextRightThing